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What your country can do for you?
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For the Country, State, Society & Downtrodden...
Earnest Appeal
"To realize the lofty ideals before itself,Neelvasant Medical Foundation & Research Centre,Wishes to appeal to all like minded Individual and philanthropists to come forward in the true Spirit of generosity and selflessness,To contribute and participate through finance,physical presence,professional guidance,in-kind donations, Time and commitment to the cause which will go a long way in helping our world's needy Citizens to lead richer,eco-friendly and healthier lives"
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What your country can do for you?
Do what you can
For the Country,State,Society & Downtrodden..
Neelvasant is recognized under Income Tax Section 80G, 12A & FCRA approved.
Donors will be benefited with Tax Exemption.